中野年世(Toshiyo Nakano)<日本の手仕事展2023>
日本の手仕事展2023 ~持続可能なものづくり~
陶芸作家 Ceramist
中野年世 Toshiyo Nakano
【Message from the artist】
My love for making tableware began with my love of cooking.
It all started with the desire to serve my own cooking on ceramic ware that I had made myself, and it has continued unchanged until now.
The most enjoyable time for me is creating new pieces while thinking about what I would like to serve on them.
The resulting tableware is easy to use in daily life and has a slightly modern look.
I would be happy if adding one of my exciting pieces to your collection would make your mealtime at home more enjoyable.
The dishes you have been enjoying may look a little different and become more delicious.
I hope to continue to make tableware that can accompany you during such moments.
一般社団法人 大阪工芸協会会員
2011年 大坂工芸展 入賞
2011年 日本新工芸展 入選
2014年 兵庫工芸展 入賞
2017 年 フランス サンシールにてグループ展に参加
2019 年 台湾 台中にて台日工芸交流展に参加
2019年 大阪工芸展入賞
2019年 大阪府工芸功労者表彰
2020年 日台工芸交流展 神戸酒心館