

絹川雅(Masashi Kinugawa)<日本の手仕事展2024>


日本の手仕事展2024 ~持続可能なものづくり~

皮革工芸作家 Leather artist
絹川雅 Masashi Kinugawa

2014年8月 (74才) に会社を退職後にレザークラフトを習い始めましたが物づくりのむつかしさ悟りました。


皮でできるものといえば小物であればコインケース、財布、カードケース等で、 大きなものであれば鞄 トートバッグ、ショルダバック、ポシェット等で大体のものは形が決まっているように思われるのがげんじつかと思われます。


【Message from the artist】
I started learning leathercraft after my retirement in August 2014 at the age of 74, and I soon realized the difficulty of crafting. Working with leather proved to be particularly difficult, more than I expected, and I struggled daily. In my third year, I received an award at a craft exhibition organized by the Osaka Craft Association, and I managed to create pieces that I could present publicly. Although I still don’t feel completely satisfied with my work, I intend to keep improving and avoid hindering the progress of more experienced craftsmen.
Since I have only a few years of experience, I struggle with coming up with new ideas and find creating pieces challenging. However, I believe that continuing to make various works will lead to new encounters and inspiration.
When it comes to leather items, small pieces include coin cases, wallets, and card cases, while larger items include bags, tote bags, shoulder bags, and pouches. It seems that the shapes for these items are generally fixed. I am always thinking of creating something new and unique, but it may be difficult due to my old-fashioned mindset.
Nevertheless, I am striving to come up with new ideas, and although I don’t know how things will go, I want to keep creating new items.
As long as I am able, I plan to continue making both traditional and new original pieces. I hope you will continue to support my work for a long time.


2014年 会社退職後レザークラフトを始める
2016年 大阪工芸協会会員になる
2017年 大阪工芸協会主催工芸展で入賞
2018年 松原市主催レザークラフト教室講師を始める
2020年 近鉄百貨店あべの文化サロンレザークラフト教室講師を始める
2021年 大阪工芸協会主催工芸展入選