

井住哲司(Tetsuji Isumi)<日本の手仕事展2024>


日本の手仕事展2024 ~持続可能なものづくり~

ガラス作家 Glass artist
井住哲司 Tetsuji Isumi


【Message from the artist】
I create glass art in the Tsukaguchi district of Amagasaki, a city in the Hanshin area. My craftwork is based on Osaka-style Kiriko (cut glass), to which I incorporate the sandblasting technique to create original glass art pieces.
My creations have a slightly different atmosphere compared to the typical Kiriko style. Most of my works blend the softness and gentle atmosphere of sandblasting with the sharpness and brilliance of cut glass, resulting in a unique, elegant quality.
Additionally, I create pieces that involve carving and polishing the glass surface to reveal clear facets, with patterns that appear to float within the transparent space.
I also make practical, everyday-use pieces to introduce Osaka-style Kiriko to as many people as possible and to increase its recognition. Hoping for many people to use my tableware, I engage in crafting on a daily basis.
As a glass artist, I hope that everyone will have a chance to experience my original glass pieces.

1997 ガラス工芸を始める
1999 市来明氏(サンドブラスト)高橋太久美氏(切子)に師事
2001 大阪工芸展入選(以後毎回出展)
2002 西脇市美術展「優秀賞」
2003 朝日現代クラフト展入選
2004 日本伝統工芸近畿展入選(7回出展)新美工芸会展「大阪市長賞」
2007 伝統工芸諸工芸展入選(3回出展)
2010 大阪工芸展「平松賞」新美工芸会展「大阪府知事賞」
2011 日本伝統工芸展⼊選
2017 大阪府工芸功労者表彰