中野年世(Toshiyo Nakano)<日本の手仕事展2024>
日本の手仕事展2024 ~持続可能なものづくり~
陶芸作家 Ceramist
中野年世 Toshiyo Nakano
【Message from the artist】
My interest in pottery began with the desire to serve the dishes I made on tableware that I created myself.
As someone who enjoys both crafting and cooking, making pottery is the most enjoyable time for me.
I would be delighted if you could enjoy using the daily tableware that results from this process.
Moving forward, I aim to continue creating pieces that bring a sense of relaxation to the busy rhythms of everyday life.
大阪工芸展 入賞
日本新工芸展 入選
兵庫工芸展 入賞
台日工芸交流展(台中) 参加
日本の手仕事参加(台北) 参加
フランス サンシールにてグループ展 参加